We don’t think about this involuntary action taking place in our bodies. It’s called inspiration, and without it, there isn’t life. Inhaling lungs supply life-giving oxygen to the blood and body cells. Exhaling removes unnecessary carbon dioxide. Bodily wellness is dependent on the quality of life in our blood.

Lungs are like an upside-down tree. At the ends of the branches are tiny air sacs that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. Pneumonia, bronchitis, and lower respiratory viruses/infections can cause inflammation and lung congestion. These diseases limit the exchange of gases and quality of life. 

So, besides seeking medical help, what can one do when experiencing the symptoms of cough, congestion, and shortness of breath? Tea tree and peppermint essential oils have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. I put two drops of each into a bowl of boiling water. Placing a towel over my head to make a tent, I hang my head over the bowl. 

Being careful not to burn myself with the steam, I breathe in through my mouth and out through my nose. Then, in through my nose and out through my mouth. This exercise allows the steam and essential oils to open the upper and lower airways.

There are muscles surrounding the branches of our lungs. Be aware muscles constrict when one is fearful and in pain. Tightened lung muscles limit the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. I’ve learned the One who gave me breath will provide peace and relaxed muscles during sickness. He likes me to ask and trust Him as any father would.

LORD God formed a man’s body from the dust of the ground and breathed into it the breath of life. And the man became a living person. (NLT: Genesis 2: 7) God lovingly and delicately formed each of us, inspiring life. Will He not also provide wisdom to overcome or endure sickness, fear, and pain? He enjoys hearing from me and hanging with me in illness and health. His replies are full of hope, life, and healing.

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