The subtle roar of the incomplete nags. The imagined barrier to the next step mocks. Lack of personal ability ridicules because of unfinished business.

Concrete footers were poured, promising a structure rooted in the earth with solid standing against mountain winds. The greenhouse has metal straps and 4 by 12 headers for cross-bracing. Why the tension?  The unfinished attic and roof threaten the integrity of what’s been accomplished. A competent builder is needed for completion.  

As I consider the physical completion of this building, my spiritual health is challenged and encouraged.  Jesus became the foundation for my life when I embraced His blood sacrifice for the forever pardon of my sins. Guilt, shame, and inability can’t uproot my peace.

The words, life, and presence of Jesus’ Spirit in me provide cross-bracing wisdom for every problematic situation. These problems cause me to seek a deeper knowledge of and a closer relationship with Jesus. 

How does knowing this grow the building, stop the subtle roar in my subconscious, and complete unfinished business?  I’m conversing with God, asking and thanking Him for the right person to complete the building at the right time.

When thoughts return to worry, I remind myself God, who’s a competent builder, heard my prayer. He’s answering with the best solution. And when He does, my trust in His faithfulness grows.

Just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to live in obedience to him.   Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all he has done. (NLT: Colossians 2: 6 – 8)

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