Does Your Mirror Reflect Peace and Rest?

Her name’s Rahab, and she has choices. She’s young and beautiful. So she might follow her name’s Egyptian root, choosing to be solitary and self-centered.

Then there’s the Hebrew root meaning, “make room to help.” This could cost her independence and time, along with the risk of getting dirty and dented.

Rahab’s our new Subaru Crosstrek. Her bright, new body covered with snow, salt, and ice 4 days after purchase allowed this writer to care for the sick and helpless. Uhhh, my nasty new car.

Will she make time to pick up the older woman walking 3 miles to work? Will she offer to carry this writer’s friends with muddy boots to hiking trails? Will she load the cargo area with birdseed, mulch, and dirt to help care for God’s creation?

“Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as in heaven” are everyday choices in the Lord’s prayer. God directs us to pray Kingdom actions to earth and partner with Him to make His desires happen.

In executing these actions, I might become dented through criticism, feel dirty from the dysfunction around me, and just plain worn out. Do I leave behind my prideful self-centeredness or get involved in doing God’s will?

Assignments might come through daily conversation with God. After completing assignments, He might put us through His carwash. This shower gives the ability to forgive and the strength to help. Most definitely, He’s there to bathe His partners with healthy peace and rest.


Satisfying blessings of peace and rest can’t be bought. Is obedience worth the price necessary to shed depression, sickness, unresolved anger, and isolation from God and man?

These gifts arrive when we look steadily to God and His wise direction. Ask Him how you can make room today for His way. When He tells you, He will also give you the courage and strength to do it.

And remember, it is a message to obey, not just to listen to. If you don’t obey, you are only fooling yourself. If you just listen and don’t obey, it is like looking at your face in a mirror but doing nothing to improve your appearance. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like.  But if you keep looking steadily into God’s perfect law–the law that sets you free–and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.(NLT: James 1: 22 – 25)

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