Afraid To Die? Want Answers? Part 2

My neighbor walks every day, and we often wave at each other and share a few words. He’s an ex-marine with COPD and not in the greatest of health. Today he admitted he’s becoming a hermit of sorts because of the virus.

He shared that his great-grandparents and their families lived through the Spanish flu, and no one died. He wondered if their prayers, hard work, and care for one another protected them. I agreed with his conclusions. He left with a smile on his face after sharing his thoughts.

Lately, I’ve been pondering the Jerusalem wall rebuilders’ story in Nehemiah 4. They had to surrender individual time, talents, and treasures to come together, transforming their city into a place of freedom and security. Who doesn’t want freedom and security?

Their threat wasn’t a virus. Some of the town’s neighbors and even some of their own threatened to stop the restoration with violence. As the leader of the rebuilding effort, Nehemiah first prayed to God for protection.

He organized groups of people to be workers or armed look-outs day and night. He reminded them they must engage in the conflict to protect their families, and God fought for them.

God was true to His promise. The completed restoration was successful without violence. A unified people of Jerusalem experienced greater freedom and security through their obedience to God’s direction.

These God-given rights always come with a cost. Why? Because the enemy of our soul, the devil, world, and our very own flesh want to take freedom and security away, often through fear. The bondage of unrelenting fear never comes from God.

He’s a gentleman and always waits for us to say, to Him, “I want to do it your way, Lord. Help me get right to it.” He made everything, knows everything, and is everywhere; the decision to be involved in community restoration seems like a “no brainer.”

As I choose to live in the presence of God, unbelief and unrelenting fear become unreasonable. Fear is a lying weapon used by Satan. Acting without God’s presence, the human spirit cannot overcome fear alone. Resting in Psalm 91 presence of God drives fear from my thoughts and actions.


Would you admit your fears to God and surrender to His overwhelming gift of Christ’s lifeblood and courage for your freedom? Would you choose this remedy setting your brain free from confusion?  Will you choose to no longer stress about sickness and death and instead pick up the tools bringing life?

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