It seems unlikely these dysfunctional human beings could preserve and protect life. The last episode of the TV series “MASH” brilliantly and realistically portrays the characters as somewhat wacko. But still able to function mostly “as one” in their duties and fondly in their goodbyes.

My nursing years working with the FL Keys Hospice and Home Health team brings back fond memories of similarities to the MASH team. Each one of us a bit dysfunctional in doing our own lives yet bonded together to promote life for our patients, caregivers, community, and one another.

We laughed and celebrated little victories together. Cried and grieved personal and professional losses. Got angry and managed to work out most conflicts. Made mistakes and learned despite cultural, economic, spiritual, and professional differences. We persevered lovingly to promote life as a team.

God’s creative power produced humanity. Our identity and life-source trace back to a loving God who thought it all up. That’s why human health is improved (proven by science) when, despite our short-comings, we live together in a loving community. He likes it when we respect His creation.

Respecting all persons from conception to grave, sacrificially helping one another with time, talents, treasures, and protecting the weak is required for such a community to work. Healthy Biblical boundaries allow members to communicate productively and forgive.

With these elements missing, resentment grows, false beliefs creep in, and all identity with God, our loving energy source, is lost. Chaos ensues. What’s being taught and demonstrated in each person’s house and community is more important than what’s happening in the White House.

I recently asked a younger member of the nursing team I now serve with, “Have you considered what holidays you might be willing to work?” Her reply, “I hadn’t even thought about it. In the past, I’ve been a floater.”

Will you independently float through life, choosing your own way? Or will you humbly recognize God’s call to be part of His life respecting and preserving team? Yes, the team is filled with dysfunctional wackos. But aren’t we all?

This is what the LORD says: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Could you ever build me a temple as good as that? Could you build a dwelling place for me? My hands have made both heaven and earth, and they are mine. I, the LORD, have spoken! “I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts, who tremble at my word.  But those who choose their own ways, delighting in their sins, are cursed. Their offerings will not be accepted. (NLT: Isaiah 66: 1 – 3)





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