It was mid morning as Amy looked out her bedroom window at a sight making her heart skip.  A young man with hoodie covering his head and face got out of an unfamiliar, window darkened car, parked at the curb in front of her middle class Orlando home.

Amy called to her mother-in-law to take her 4-year-old son back to his bedroom and not come out until she called them. She slipped the handgun from its locked drawer, as she heard pounding at the front door.

“Lord, protect us from harm and danger. And give me courage to protect my family with this gun if necessary,” Amy prayed as she watched three more men emerge from the car and head for her front door.

More pounding as Amy stood ready near the door praying. Then suddenly the pounding stopped and the 4 men were seen running to the car and driving away. Relieved and shaking, Amy called the police and gave them a full report.

Within the hour the police received another report from an elderly gentleman just blocks away. Four hooded men broke into his home while he napped. Upon waking to strange noises, he grabbed his handgun and confronted the men who were attempting robbery. They fled in what turned out to be a stolen vehicle.

I believe Amy’s prayer summoned God’s angels, causing the thieves to leave in a hurry.  She was grateful for God’s quick answer without having to use the gun. The gun in the hands of the elderly man threatened the 4 men enough to leave his home in a hurry.

This true story occurred several months ago. We live in a time where wisdom, preparedness, prayer and courage are needed. And at the same time, hoping and believing God is at work protecting and providing all necessary for our hearts and minds to live in peace and rest.

There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven.  A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to rebuild. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance.  A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away.  A time to search and a time to lose. A time to keep and a time to throw away.  A time to tear and a time to mend. A time to be quiet and a time to speak up.  A time to love and a time to hate. A time for war and a time for peace.  (NLT: Ecclesiastes 3: 1 – 8)


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