Intimidating, powerful hurricane Irma is on her way somewhere. “War goddess” is one of the meanings for the name Irma. As I circulated through Key Largo today, I noted a sense of urgency and concern as grocery carts and gas tanks were being filled. Making serious preparations for landfall of a category 5 hurricane is certainly the responsible thing to do.

But, what if we really believed what Jesus instructed and demonstrated as he lived on this earth. He calmed a dangerous storm instantly by speaking to it “Peace, be still.” Many more amazing miracles have been recorded of him healing the sick, feeding huge crowds with little food at hand and turning water into wine.

Before he returned to his Father in heaven, he gave this encouragement to all then and now who would follow him. “The truth is, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, because the work of the Son brings glory to the Father. (NLT: John 14: 12 – 13)

I’ve witnessed many miracles and have prayed a few in as a believer in Jesus. So, I’m telling Irma through God’s power, “Peace be still.” I’m believing for a miracle because that’s what Jesus told us to do. But, I’m recognizing his multiple perspective ability may have a bigger picture plan.

As we sit on the edge of our seats waiting to read the final hurricane Irma headlines, I’m praying and declaring a miracle of deliverance, thanking him for his provision and protection and grateful for his love that will not leave me alone in the storm.


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