Nick and Joe’s friend had brought dead people back to life. It never occurred to them this same power would also bring their friend back to life. They buried their friend in Joe’s own burial crypt. It’s doubtful anyone knows the exact order of the events following the burial.

Hundreds saw Nick and Joe’s friend alive and well in the weeks following the execution and burial. Credible sources say their friend gave his followers direction to teach the good news he shared, wherever his spirit sent them. Then he disappeared saying he would come back to set things in order.

Recorded legend says Joe was a well to do merchant of metals and well traveled because of his trade. He was imprisoned for a time because he took responsibility for the burial of his friend. When released from prison, he began to spread the good news through what is now France and Great Britain.

Historical writings share Nicodemus also spread the good news and performed miracles of healing. Because he continued to follow the path of his friend, he was put to death by those opposed to the message, sometime during the first century.

I believe both of these men were radically changed by the sincere loving truth their friend taught and lived. Both men courageously chose to share their friend’s good news. I believe both recognized the self-centered and shortsighted deception of living for the kingdom of this earth.

Instead they chose to live for the kingdom of heaven, and for the one who gave his very life for them to be able to spend eternity with him. Were they fools or heroes?

What fears are keeping you from going public with your desire to live for Nick and Joe’s friend and the kingdom of heaven?

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. (2 Timothy 1:7-8 NLT)

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