Mental Freedom Without Shame and Blame

We learned to avoid curfew by signing out in the evening and then showing up in the morning for class. Those nighttime escapes made by my college friend and myself became more frequent, and her grades began to slide. I suggested she might need to focus on school more. She responded angrily, and our friendship was never the same.

Compassion for my friend’s future was probably mixed with a bit of “I know better than you.” People not following the rules usually don’t want a lecture from someone doing likewise. Despite being raised to know God’s ways, we both thought we could live like the world and have a satisfying life.

Personally, I learned we were wrong. Poor choices and the resulting emotional and spiritual pain brought heartache I was responsible for. God opened my eyes to turn from behaviors causing shame.

Mental freedom came when I confessed my wrong choices to God, received His forgiveness, and forgave myself. The blood of Jesus paid for my freedom from sinful choices. His Spirit reminds me I’m forgiven. Shame has no power over me.

 My brother made the cross in this picture from wood and barbed wire found in my dad’s barn. As the cross hangs on the brick wall of my patio, I’m reminded of Father’s love, Jesus’ gift of self, and His Spirit living in me. Many were amazed when they saw him–beaten and bloodied, so disfigured one would scarcely know he was a person. (NLT: Isaiah 52: 14)

The red brick reminds me of the blood of Jesus covering my sin forever. As God’s child, I’m delivered from guilty shame now and His judgment in eternity.  This good news is free for you and promises you mental freedom.


Is the black cloud of shame and blame keeping you from the mental freedom to know hope and joy? How about placing a chair across from where you are sitting and begin to unload all the heartbreak and negative feelings onto Jesus? He hears you and will do it as you cooperate to allow His presence and His words into your life and thoughts.

He will keep you strong right up to the end, and he will keep you free from all blame on the great day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns.  God will surely do this for you, for he always does just what he says, and he is the one who invited you into this wonderful friendship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. (NLT: 1 Corinthians 1: 8 – 9)



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