I’m no longer addicted. For several years I hid the fact so much time was spent resting, meditating and visiting with my best friend and counselor. Thought people might think me strange or worse, lazy.  But freedom from workaholic, striving mode proved to be a gift. This freedom outweighs the need to please others or obey the little voice in my head saying I’ve not accomplished enough.

Having a good work ethic has proven beneficial in my career, family life and community involvement. It’s a character trait I’m grateful was passed on to me. But somewhere in mid-life, I sensed a disorder in my life’s balance. What I witnessed in some who had the same addiction, affirmed my suspicions.

When one doesn’t take the time for restful reflection, meditation and seeking of guidance from Him who is all-powerful and all knowing, humanism tends to kick in. That’s the belief that I need to make things happen or solve human problems through rational thought and hard work. It leaves out divine intervention. The worry and stress surrounding this pattern of living, negatively affects physical and mental health.

Worry and stress hormones, chemical messengers, are not meant to be released over long periods of time. Over-production of these hormones can increase the likelihood of problems like high blood pressure, neck/ back problems, headaches, autoimmune diseases, cancer and other health problems.

My mother, her mother and my great-grandmother all had the addiction. Don’t get me wrong; they were wonderful, God fearing, hard working people. During the time Mom spent 6 weeks in a neck brace due to a car accident, she marveled how great it was to have a good excuse to rest and do nothing. Mom had many physical problems and died of metastatic cancer.

Did you know that sheep don’t like to lie down? They have to feel safe, well fed and peaceful before they will lie down and rest. Because sheep are not very smart, they rely on their shepherd to make that happen for them.

The daily discipline of resting with my Shepherd has just about erased the genetic drive within me to strive. I hear your objection, “How do I meet all my responsibilities?” It’s supernatural. Time seems stretched, things work out with less effort.

A sense of peaceful dependence on His presence and wisdom replaces wrong thinking. I’ve found it a privilege to sit and reason together as I share my concerns with Him and meditate on His words. The pleasure is mine as I wait with a healthy sense of thankfulness and expectation of His goodness becoming reality for me.

The LORD is my shepherd; I have everything I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Psalm 23:1-3 NLT


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