I awoke with a start from a troubled dream filled night, concerning unresolved issues in life. A flash of lightening followed by the low rumble of thunder filled the bedroom. Wide awake now, I made my way to the window overlooking the outdoors and the water. The sky was filled with grays, dark blues and a yellow hue cast on the threatening clouds that were not yet shedding their moisture. “Unusual sky,” I thought as I proceeded outside to take a better look. Then, “What’s that noise?” I mumbled to myself. The delightful swish of the tarpon rolling was a sound I was familiar with, as well as the almost soundless surfacing of the gentle manatee. The noise sounded like gasps for air from someone drowning. I hurried to the dock paralleling the canal. It was a marvelous sight! Three dolphins were chasing a school of mullet not more than 20 feet from me. Their laughing and smiling faces surfaced for air and then went back down to merrily catch their morning breakfast. How carefree and happy they looked enjoying the moment. As I watched the dolphins repeatedly surface and dive again as a team, I noticed their show was accompanied by an amazing backdrop of sound and sight. The thunder and lightning continued without shedding a drop of moisture and a beautiful rainbow hung over the opposite side of the canal. The corners of my mouth began to turn up in a smile and then I began to giggle. “OK God,” I said, “I hear and see you loud and clear. Thanks for reminding me that your thunder-like strength and power is resolving difficult situations that I have talked to you about.” Then I remembered God’s promise of hope and protection for the future that comes with the rainbow. The beautiful symmetry of colors started at one side of the rainbow and continued through to the other end. “That’s you in my life, isn’t it?” I spoke out loud to God, “Your hope and protection are there in the beginning of my life and throughout to the end, if I chose to see and believe.” Finally, I looked back into the surfacing smiling faces of the dolphins. They were being the third of three witnesses to me that morning of the reality of God in my life. “Often I have shared with others that you are a God who blesses those who bring their disappointments to you with tears of grief. You promise to turn those tears to joy and laughter in your due time.” I spoke to myself and to God. The realization then struck me with a chord of happy truth. I continued on with my monologue, “You want me to know that you have heard my cries, you are working on those tearful concerns and it’s time for me to joyfully believe that everything is working out. It’s time to go on with trusting joy and laughter.” The dolphin then headed out to open water, the rain began to fall and the rainbow faded from the sky but the sights and sounds of that morning will never be forgotten. Is God real?

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