Free to live without being chained to the law. Submitted servant to Christ. What does that look like in real life? Taking time to know Him through His Words, spoken and written. The plagueing chains of judgement drop off as I incorporate His Words of truth and love into every cell of my body and thought of my spirit. He saved my life, took me in when I was beaten down with fear, anxious about the future, ashamed of my past and rejected by people; feeling powerless and alone. Fatigue from the cares of the world made one more spoken word and one more step feel impossible. You took me in and continue to take me deeper, breathing life and strength into me. You lift my head above the shame, unburden my neck and shoulders of guilt, and allow me to dash away on a swift horse of freedom. My table is spread with delicious food and drink, by purse has just enough to be generous and free from debt. My tired joints and muscles are massaged with the knowledge of your peace giving me grace to age in beauty and wisdom. The gift of the few with whom I can share the deepest concerns placed in me and hope for the future safely, warm me through texts, phone calls and moments together speaking about You. The creation surrounding me from the majestic clouds to each blade of grass and all the creatures in between remind me that You made all this for me. I know Your presence as I sink deep into the provision and protection of Your saddle, standing on the faithful stirrups of Your rightness, and holding onto the reins of Your direction and power. These are all the evidences I need to know You are real and at work in every aspect of my life as I relax into Your ways. How can I not freely submit and follow You even if it means some suffering, hard work, rejection or heart break?

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