I’m grateful, so very grateful to God. Arriving Thursday morning to our Key Largo home, we learned the power had been turned on earlier in the morning. Yes, the south side of the roof was peeled back on our home. Daylight could be seen through small cracks and holes in our bedroom ceiling. A gritty gummy dust could be felt on furniture and flooring on that side of the house causing us to suspect the roof lifted during the storm.

But, the only water damage seemed to be the bedroom water-soaked area rug. The saturated rug kept the water from creeping to the legs of the furniture. Our power was on, Internet and phones functioning and Joel’s TV antenna still intact on the roof of the house. Go figure, we still had the pleasure of local TV stations. We are grateful and blessed. Tons of yard cleanup to be done and a new roof needed but this seems so little in the face of other’s struggles around us.

There’s the 70 something neighbor driving up and down US Hwy 1 looking for a tarp to cover the damaged roof of her 25 year old mobile home. There’s the gentleman who lost his business and has organized his employees to do house clean out. They’re calling themselves the mud crew. There’s the groups of good Samaritan’s organizing to come down and do yard clean up for those who cannot run the chain saw and carry the heavy limbs to the street.

In the midst of these hardships, a friend experiencing increasing domestic challenges stated, “I’m done praying. It’s not working. I don’t believe it does any good.” I encouraged her with, “Read the story in Luke chapter 18 about the widow who wouldn’t stop nagging the judge for justice and protection from those trying to take advantage of her. The judge finally gave in and defended her. In verses 7-8 God promises to protect and defend those who cry to Him day and night with faith believing he will intervene as needed to bring justice.”

As I live this life of good times and bad times, I’m recognizing the depth of my relationship with God is not based on gratification of my needs or wants. My intimacy with him grows as I thank him daily for the little things and recognize these are gifts of his unconditional love for me. Then, with the right attitude, I move forward to love others with his strength. I continue to cry out for his protection and justice expecting with faith he will deliver in his own time and his own way.

Oh, and by the way, there are several more developing storm systems brewing off the coast of Africa. Would really appreciate you joining me in talking to God about his protection and justice in the coming days for us all. Prayer, the only way I hang on to my physical, mental and spiritual health. Peace and health to you all.


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