Life and Death Choices

I still hate death. The last scene of the human growth and development timeline is often diverse. Some folks, in their last weeks, resemble finger nails clawing a chalk board. How does this look in real time? Unresolved relationships with loved ones and God can cause lots of physical, emotional and spiritual pain for which medication and other pain relief methods offer little relief.

More fortunate, are those individuals who have settled their misunderstandings with God and people and are at peace with themselves. I loved getting to know them, their life journey of good and difficult times. The take away for me was often a new perspective on what makes for a successful and fulfilled life. They often were surrounded with visitors and caregivers sharing love through gifts,  touch, words of affirmation and kind acts. As death neared, you would find them increasingly sleeping their way to a peaceful death.

Death doesn’t usually send out a date and time invitation as evidenced by world wide terror attacks.  Terminal illness and threat of traumatic death can strike fear causing loss of joy, depression and hopelessness. But thanks to so many of my brave patients, I am learning to embrace love, particularly God’s love, giving me courage to live with less fear of the unknown.

I’m grateful for my hospice nursing experience that encouraged me to better understand life and death. “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. …….No power in the sky above or in the earth below- indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:1,39

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